Added responsibility of leading a team

Mid way in the March and I started leading our Front-end team…

I read somewhere to keep yourself ready because you never know when an opportunity comes. Our front-end lead decided to leave our company and somehow I was offered to lead the team. Although I had not prepared myself to be leading a team. I thought I was ready technically. I took that up as an opportunity to push myself even further. I knew I had to work really hard on my communication skills and I was up for that. I decided to take up the challenge. I have been doing good. I learnt many technical and non-technical skills. And most importantly I have been able to push my team to code better and the inverse of that is pushing myself to learn better way of doing things. Its been a while me leading the team. Since everything is remote now due to covid19 and we will be building out one big feature, it is really going to test us a remote team and my ability to communicate. I would give a pat on my teams back once we ship the feature.

Until then stay safe.