Let's review the very first month of 2020

It’s the end of the month. End of Jan of 2020. I started writing exactly one month ago.

I started writing as one of my new year resolution. It serves the purpose of documenting and at the same time helps me reflect and analyse what went right or wrong.

Last 30 days were spent really actively. I was really busy. I attended 2 tech meetups. Met some awesome people. Learned some really cool things. I left PG and shifted with my cousin as planned.

I started playing cricket again. Joined BCG. It is an awesome community to play cricket. Played 3 matches. Haven’t done much batting. Although I was the best bowler in the third match I am nowhere close to my old days.

I did not run a lot the last month. Just a few runs here and there. Should be better this month. As I started Run commuting. I run back home from the office. It’s 3.8km, but should be ~2.5k run due to traffic and signals.

I have not progressed as much as I would have liked for Google Mobile web certification. Reason being I was out of town for 10 days and also I could not manage my time well with all these activities. Now I will be taking the exam in March. Probably the second week.

I have learned a bunch of new technologies, along with diving deep in typescript and react. I am quite interested in functional programming now. So I had a look at elm. Will be building out some hobby projects this month. I also learned MithrilJs for an opensource project. I did a clean-code workshop at my company. Also learned basics of go and darts.

In Feb, I am going to focus on preparing for the certification. At the same time, I would also be coding some MithrilJs, elm and go projects. Would be consistent with running. Finally playing BSL8.

So, not a bad month.

Now let’s make Feb better.