Written my first tech blog

I have been planning to write tech blogs for a while now. Finally, I have written one. Click here to read, how to implement drag and drop in react

I have recently implemented drag and drop functionality in our schema feature. Schema is a super spreadsheet build for compliance users from scratch. In the blog, I have written on how you can build a drag and drop feature in a react app with react-beautiful-dnd. So far I have seen a good response. I even got a retweet from the maintainer of the react-beautiful-dnd.

I have many learnings to take from the experience, the most important one is choosing a topic and sticking to it. Earlier I used to start writing on too board topics and lost myself there. I have many of those incomplete drafts. Slowly I will get to a level where I can write an entire book but for now, small topics work best.

Stay happy!